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What are the features of persistent scarring?

What are the features of persistent scarring?
Before you try to treat your scars, it’s important to know what type they are. Each type responds to treatment differently, and some treatments are better for particular types than others.
The following types of scar occur in acne.
1. Rolling scars – broad depressions with sloping, rounded edges and an irregular, rolling appearance.

● Topical retinoids have scar-smoothing benefits, speeding up cell regeneration and improving your skin’s texture.
● Chemical peeling (Chemical Reconstruction Of Skin Scarring) uses precisely placed 50–100% trichloracetic acid.
● Laser resurfacing removes the top layer of the skin. This treatment typically has a faster healing time than other resurfacing treatments.
● Filler: They’re injected under the surface of the skin to help plump up and smooth out depressed scars

2. Boxcar scars – U-shaped scars, broad depressions with sharply defined edges.

● Topical retinoids have scar-smoothing benefits, speeding up cell regeneration and improving your skin’s texture
● Chemical peeling (Chemical Reconstruction Of Skin Scarring) uses precisely placed 50–100% trichloracetic acid.
● Subcision: inserts a hypodermic needle into your skin directly beneath the scar. The needle is used to loosen and break the fibres that connect the scar to the tissue underneath it.
● Laser resurfacing removes the top layer of the skin. This treatment typically has a faster healing time than other resurfacing treatments.
● Filler: They’re injected under the surface of the skin to help plump up and smooth out depressed scars
● Punch Excision

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